What people say…

“Thank you so much for teaching me, you're the best teacher ever. Without you teaching me I probably wouldn't have got a distinction in harp or be where I am now with piano. You're a great teacher and no-one can make teaching fun like you do!”

— Katie (pupil)

“We will miss you this year as you were such an asset. [...] - the progress the one year GCSE pupils made with you was outstanding in the majority of cases and the students really responded well to you”

— Head of Music - Kim

“I was going to send you a message anyway to say thanks for making Katie's evening with the comments that you made about her positive attitude and perseverance. She is still smiling. It's always nice for her to be praised because she does work very hard. We are very proud of her and extremely grateful to you also for being you.

Katie is smiling even more with her amazing results. Again we are super proud and also extremely thankful for all that you do” 

— Fran (parent)

“I hope you realise that you made an immense difference at (school). Your students looked forward to your lessons and they made some very obvious and rapid progress. Your caring and patient demeanour was clear to see and our students reacted well to you. That doesn't always happen with all of those kids so it was quite plainly down to you. Thank you”

— Classroom Music Teacher - Patrick

“Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher; I really enjoy learning from you!”

— Rowan (pupil)

“Thanks Caroline for everything, you star!”


“Thank you so much for the amazing lessons. I appreciate all of your help and patience. You're a wonderful teacher”

— Julie (adult pupil)

“Thank you for all you have done for Isabella, from the zoom lessons during lockdown to putting her forward for the EPTA concert. We are so happy with how she has progressed with you as her teacher. Thank you”

— Victoria & Stephen (parents)
